Wacky Races & Relays

“A test of speed and skill as a team – like a race to the break room when someone brings treats.”

Time Schedule: 10pm-11pm

Event Location: Missouri Valley Family YMCA McDowell Gym


  • Four person teams, consisting of at least one female.
  • Teams will be timed for proper completion by all members of the team.
  • Participants will scoot their way down the length of the basketball court through obstacles upon which they will retrieve objects of various colors and sizes.  The participant will then return back to the starting point and must have all of the objects with them.  At that point they will hand the scooter off to the next participant in line.
  • Participants must remain “seated’ on their scooters until they reach the end lines. If they fall off at any point, they must return to the start and begin again.
  • If a participant retrieves more than one of each designated item they must return the duplicate object to its original location by scooting through the obstacles and returning to the finish line.

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